Posted by Matthew Maven on 17th Oct 2015
Customers are the most important factor that a business
owner must possess. In order to achieve success in the business, customers are
considered the lord over which brings in the profit for an establishment. They
are won over based on their judgement of products and the quality of the service
rendered by the business; hence, it is vital for any business organization to
profile their customers well and respond to their needs accordingly.
Regular customers are the ones who enjoy the closest relationship to a business. These people are able to revisit the establishment as many times as they want; hence, it is wise to have a crucial and solid attention to them. Having regular customers ensures a constant flow of revenue to the business. They want individual attention and prefer to be recognized right away whenever they make a transaction.
Sales or discount-oriented customers are those who frequent your business whenever there are promos and discounts. While you can already consider them as regulars too, they are only keen on buying products that have been marked down or have an originally low price. They are particularly interested on seasonal deals and free items that come along with their purchased product. Some business organizations hold monthly or even weekly discount sale on their establishments in order to encourage such customers to frequent the places.
Spontaneous customers are fewer in number. They would most likely visit the shop to buy things on a whim. Sometimes, catering to such customers can be difficult as they do not have any product or service in mind. They would have to be shown all the things that the establishment is offering before settling on one purchase or service.
Need-based buyers are quite opposite to the spontaneous patrons. They would go into the store and buy just exactly what they planned to have for the day. While they are frequent customers, one would find them difficult to entertain as they only focus on what they want. While they bring in sure income for the business, they are not interested in switching into other products or trying the newly displayed ones.
Spectators and wandering people are relatively new potential clients for the business. However, they are the least profitable groups since they only come in to inspect and look at the services and products that you offer. The term ‘window shoppers’ can be used on such potential customers since they investigate the features of what you offer but do not show any interest in acquiring them.
Having curious people in your business can be a positive chance to earn money, as long as you properly attend to them and inform them about the features of the service and products.
When these types of customers become dissatisfied with a service provided to them, they would eventually turn into complainants. It is best to profile a complainant immediately and respond to him in the best way possible.
An aggressive customer is a person who wants to have control in a situation. They focus more on displaying emotions than actually obtaining a solution. It is best for the staff to remain calm and avoid matching his or her aggressiveness. Heightened emotions only stir up trouble resulting to permanent damages to the business’ reputation. Wait for the complainant to calm down.
Afterwards, apologize for what had happened and offer objective choices to the customer in order to make him feel that he is in control. The customer may hurl insults in order to hurt the establishment but always remember that such harsh words should not affect your decision-making.
Sometimes, the business may encounter a passive customer. Such customers are not afraid to take their disappointments in public, particularly the social media sites. While you may not hear them complain about your service directly, they can easily broadcast their sentiments “on-air”. Usually, such passive complainers are the most dangerous in the business. When things like these happen, you should consider responding publicly as soon as possible. Apologize for what happened and offer a positive resolution to the problem.
V.I.P customers also pose a problem. If your business can only accommodate a small number of customers at a time, a few would complain about being ignored. It is a mandate that customers deserve a quick response and immediate action to their needs. However, it is not fair to drop everything and single out a certain customer just because he or she thinks his or her situation is above everyone else.
When dealing with a V.I.P, you have to strive hard to cater to him as fast as you can, so you can also attend to others. If you are not capable of attending to such, refer him to another co-worker who has fewer tasks and can give him proper assistance.
Timid customers can also pose a problem. Such customers who give a way too general instruction to an attendant sometimes think that it is enough for them to be understood. Introvert customers are friendly but they can also be indecisive. They would grow uncomfortable when pressured to buy something.
It is best for someone to ask them questions in order to find out what they really want. If the customer is not willing to add any more information to the demand, show him or her variety of products or services you are selling.
Finally, there are practical customers. These customers are critical and organized in their complaints. They can address their situation more calmly and precisely in comparison to other complainants. In order to solve the problem, give enough information and detail. With this, both you and the customers are able to reach a common ground and a resolution.
Regardless of who is complaining, a good business organization must be able to respond to it promptly and positively. This is to ensure the clients’ image of the business and the reputation it yields. Bear in mind that you cannot please everybody, but you are committed in doing the best in your business.