Posted by Matthew Maven on 6th Nov 2013
To use strategic marketing strategies to place your business in front of your potential clients can be highly effective if it is well thought out and executed. One of the methods that we have used in the past to get in front of a wide range of businesses is by marketing directly to accounting firms. Nearly every business in Australia will use an accountant who they will consult on a regular basis or at least use once a year to process their tax return. With this in mind it is often thought that accountants are the hub of all business in Australia and if you can get on side with accountants and show value to them they will often recommend you to their clients if it is of benefit to their clients and at no cost to you. This is often done as accountants are looked upon to give good business advice on ways of growing businesses and increasing profits.
We have used our list of accounting firms in Australia to expand our business and to use them to on market for us. A common method that businesses could employ would be to provide your target accountants with the list of businesses within their target market area. This could be selected by postcode or suburb within 20 km of the accountants office. How this could be done is by purchasing the Australian business database of maven supplies where you have access to the entire list you can then pull up the list of accountants and proceed to notify them that you could help them with their marketing targeting all businesses within their area and you are only willing to do this for one accountant in each area. In exchange you would ask the accounting firm who take you on to then market your product to all of their customers who are existing in currently using their services. As an accountant is an authoritative business professional which most business owners will willingly take advice from.
This strategy would work very well for any office supply companies, computer equipment providers, printing and general business equipment. You can also offer accountants a large discount on your products or services in exchange for them to market on your behalf to all of their clients. This method of using a joint-venture is often of high benefit to both yourself, the accounting firm as well as for the accounting firms clients who could then use your products. It may often take a discount or some sort of incentive for the accountants clients to first use you and it is also highly important that you look after these new clients very well as no accountant or any other business will recommend you if there customers are not happy with your service or products. You can ruin your credibility unless you make every effort to provide 100% customer satisfaction for both the accounting firms and their clients.
Whether you are targeting accounting firms by state, the states available are all States in Australia (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia and Tasmania) or by postcode or by the city in which they reside. This mailing list for accountants can be segregated by selecting the column by which the data you wish to be selective of and organising it either by alphabetical listings from a to Z or Z to a, if it is by the postcode you wish to sort and filter you can then select and organise the contacts in numerical order. We include accountants in all capital cities of Australia as we find many people wish to market to accountants by the major capital cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and to a lesser extent Perth, Adelaide, Darwin and Hobart.
If you wish to purchase the accountants database of Australia off the maven marketing website you simply find the product or list you’re after, click on the add to cart button, proceed to checkout where you can then fill in all your details and go through and process the payment. Payments are accepted by credit cards and we use PayPal to process our payments as they are the most safe and secure we have found to use. Once you put the payment through by credit card and it has been approved our system will automatically e-mail you a link to download the file. This e-mail is also a tax invoice which includes our ABN, the date it was purchased, the product that was purchased, the total amount including the GST you can simply print out this e-mail and use it for your own accounting purposes.