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List of Motels in Australia 2018

When you go on vacation, where do you stay?  If you are like most people visiting Australia, then you stay in one of the thousands of hotels, motels, and camp grounds spread across this incredible country.  These establishments form a thriving industry of tourism, helping to introduce Australia to the rest of the world. 

While tourists never see beyond their rooms and the hotels themselves, those who market to hotels, motels, and campgrounds know the incredible work that keeps these operations in business.  From having all the right equipment and materials for guests to providing a truly memorable experience, running a motel is a group effort.

If you are a company that sells to Motels and Motor Inns in Australia, then you can understand the importance of having a comprehensive list.  If you are considering either building a database of motels, adding to your pre-existing database, then you should strongly consider our lists of Motels in Australia which have been sorted into the specific categories below. Included in our list is Business Name, Address, State, Suburb, Postcode, Phone Number, Business Category and Email, Fax, and Website if applicable. You can access this list using Microsoft Excel 2007 and up.

There are two ways our lists of Motels in Australia will help your business.  The first is a matter of keeping your contact information accurate and up to date.  Every year, Motels and Motor Inns open and close.  Our list is a current list of businesses that you can use to either build your database or cross reference with your pre-existing database.  Regardless, you will get information that you can act on.

The second way is through its straightforward design and application.  The list that you will get is perfect if you are salesperson working with Motels and Motor Inns.  Comprising hundreds of businesses and dozens of business types, countless companies use our lists throughout the industry.

Our lists includes the business category, website, e-mail address, fax, phone number, address, suburb, state, and postcode is listed when applicable.  It should be noted that not every Motel or Motor Inn has all of the information categories available.  When this is the case, the cell is left blank. 

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