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List of Plumbers Database

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List of Plumbers Database

Plumbers and gas fitters of Australia can be an interesting market to target. And I have always been fascinated at how different categories of businesses respond to various types of marketing. Even the different trades of Australia will respond to different contact channels and different marketing messages. As many plumbers operate as sole traders or single one man operators or although they could be a registered company it is usually the one person who does everything from the Administration, bookkeeping, booking in jobs and performing the jobs followed by the invoicing and following up payments. For this reason the main port of call for plumbers would probably be their mobile phone number. However as the world is changing many plumbers across Australia in every state of Australia are now setting up websites for their own small businesses and are more readily contact via their e-mail address. Savvy operators operate off smart phone where they can receive their e-mails, and also run their jobs sheet and calendar all of the one place. There is also a myriad of online accounting software where they can run their entire business from everything to costing jobs, entering the times of jobs, invoicing and sending out invoices to customers. There is even merchant facilities available now use your smart phone to process credit cards. For the mobile operator this is a brilliant and efficient way to keep yourself organise, build your jobs correctly and then receive payments immediately.

With all this in mind it is no doubt a brilliant idea to directly contact the list of plumbers across Australia via their e-mail address as this is an inexpensive and highly targeted means of directly contacting them. This would be mostly beneficial to suppliers and wholesalers of various types of gas fitting and plumbing accessories as well as a whole range of tools that may be specifically suited to plumbers. The technology with his industry has changed dramatically where there is growing types of machinery that can be inserted downpipes to care them via video and inspect any damages or holes in the pipes as well is blockages. This is then followed up by machine that can insert itself down through a pipe work to plug the holes through various methods which includes inserting sleaze that expanded into the pipe via pumping hot steam pressure.

If you are a business that whole sales or distribute any of these machines as well is PVC pipe which is used for outlets in various sizes such as 50 mm and 100 mm. There is also a range of copper and flexible hoses for high-pressure use when connecting taps and faucets. Wholesalers of plumbing equipment should aim to directly contact plumbers in their chosen area to build up their database. As many plumbers can spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on their supplies the value to a business to have as many plumbers as customers on-board is highly beneficial. The lifetime value of some of these plumbers if they stick with you during the life of their trades can amount into tens of thousands of dollars of turnover which in turn can give your business extremely high value if you are looking to sell at by adding weight and lifetime of these various customers.

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