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List of Pubs Australia 2018

With one simple click you can have access to our complete lists of all Pubs in Australia which have been sorted into the specific categories below. Included in the list is the Address, State, Phone Number, Bakery Name, Suburb and Postcode. Additionally Email, Website, and Fax are included where applicable. The list is accessible in Microsoft Excel 97 and up.

Perfect for gather information on Pubs in existing market places as well as new regions. Additionally you can contact Pubs directly to offer your products and/or services or look for potential employment opportunities.

- Ideal for enhancing any marketing campaign such as Telemarketing, Text Message (SMS) Marketing, and Mailing Lists and can be used to create your own marketing database.

- The lists are perfect for exploring Pubs in a new area or discovering Pubs in an already familiar area.

Contained within our lists are all Pubs in Queensland, South Australia, ACT, Tasmania, NSW, Victoria, Western Australia, and Northern Territories. Additionally it contains an array of postcodes and cities like Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Darwin, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Hobart

For more information, click on any of the products below.

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