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Postcodes and Towns List

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Postcodes and Towns List

Australia is a large country geographically it covers six states with two territorials, over 2000 postcodes, and over 20,000 separate suburbs or towns. But we are maven marketing have found that there is not anywhere that you can easily get a list of postcodes or list of suburbs and towns for your own use online. This is why we compiled the list of postcodes and towns in Australia which is an Excel spreadsheet that you can purchase of our website and download and have for your own use where you can manipulate the data, sort and filter to find what you need.

A lists such as this one provided can often be sought after by freight and courier companies who need to work out delivery destinations or build in an automated system fried to their computer and accounting systems or their website where you can get freight quotes or have a predictable search section in their website. This list has also been sought by phone directory companies who need to display a list of all the postcodes and suburbs from all around Australia where they want the correct information.

A good example of use for this list of Postcodes in Australia was buy a web designer who needed to build a website which will calculate postage correctly as the customer had a very competitive postage rate from their transport company. This postage rate was so competitive, however their freight could be largely varied from very small to very large bulk purchases so to get an accurate freight quote was very important and a competitive advantage for this company that was having a website built. So what they did was talk the list of postcodes and towns in Australia and manually went through and matched up the price per kilo of freight into separate regions depending on how much it was quoted from their supplier of transport. They added a small amount onto the postage to cover administration fees and loaded it up into their system so of customers would automatically get a freight quote once they got over a minimum amount depending on the area ballerina the website would then allow them to have free freight this allowed the website owner to competitively distribute their freight all around Australia without having mass massive fate freight fees which they would have to cover if a customer were to order a large bulk purchase to a remote area.

The small amount this customer paid for the postcodes list in Australia save them many thousands of dollars in freight and also would have got them a large amount of sales by keeping their freight rate competitive and allowing them to automatically and instantly quite freight through their website without having to use staff to manually do are wasting valuable time and resources.

This list could also be great value for university and school students or anyone who may be studying and researching towns and demographics from all around Australia. They can purchase it and use it in a well-known Microsoft Excel program or also very popular Apple Macs iWork spreadsheet program.

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