Posted by Matthew Maven on 6th Nov 2013
This is a proposed method to outline a case study for a marketing campaign which could be used to build up a large customer base from our list of clubs in Australia. A marketing campaign was proposed by a hospitality supplies distributor to attempt to reach as many rugby league, AFL, Golf, bowls, RSL, services and sports clubs from all around Australia. They found that there are a lot of clubs in every state such as New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, ACT and Tasmania. They mainly wanted to target the capital cities as the capital cities were the most logistically viable because freight is cheapest the closer it is to a capital city. Built up areas are a lot cheaper for them to deliver to than more rural areas. More rural areas are often smaller and do not tend to have as much of a turnover so cities would definitely their main target base. The major cities that they were targeting were Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Adelaide and Perth.
As the lifetime value of some of these large clubs was a very high for this hospitality supplier they wanted to make sure that their marketing was targeted at the correct person and they gave their best shot at getting these customers. The customer acquisition cost was very-some of these clubs who would spend maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars per year if they retain these customers over several years they would have a great value to the hospitality supplier and what a great add a great value to the business if there was a potential sale in the near future.
With this in mind they chose to have their own sales people who are quite proficient on telephones and cold calling to get the main contact person's number they would then went through the whole list and made an effort to call everyone to get the purchasing officer or general managers name and e-mail address for them to send through some contact information and an introduction to their company. Once they had this they would then send them an e-mail outlining all their services and request to make a meeting in the near future when they were in the area. The sales representatives for each state would then notify the general managers the time and date that they would be in their area and that they will be calling in if a meeting could be made. This was quite an an expensive exercise as they had to pay their top salespeople wages to go through and take their time calling these people and the phone calls could often be quite long they may only get through 10 phone calls per hour. They would then have to do either fly or drive to visit these clubs list for their follow-up meeting where they would then go through the products they could supply and try and put it in the best interests of the club to purchase of them whether it be on a better price or providing a better product for what they need.
As this company already had a very large turnover and was quite profitable they understood the value of spending a fair amount of money to acquire some extremely valuable customers where they would only need a few to grow their turnover by a substantial amount. As the infrastructure was already in place with all of their stock on hand and daily delivery schedule making a fast turnaround to all the major capital cities the value in this would not be realised fully until several years down the track. This is the time when they would have a huge grasp on the market and their market share will be extremely valuable increasing the value of the business overall.